Wound Care Salve 4oz


Ingredients: Beeswax, Sunflower Oil, Lady's Mantle, Comfrey, Plantain, Yarrow

Product comes in a 4oz glass jar.

Uses: For supporting skin health and providing relief for cuts, burns, and rashes. For external use only.

How to Use: Apply small amount to open wound, cut, burn etc, do NOT bandage or cover and allow wound to breathe. Apply as often as needed.  For external use only.

Salves should be kept in a cool, dry area.  Do not let salves freeze or melt as this will cause the consistency to be off. The product should still work as intended if this happens, but the consistency will make it more difficult to apply.

Ingredient Benefits

Lady's Mantle: 

Lady's Mantle has a wide variety of uses in herbal medicine. Most of its actions are due to the tannins and salicylates that are part of the plant's chemical makeup. The tannins contain astringent properties indicating the use of Lady's Mantle in conditions requiring toning of the tissues — diarrhea, hemorrhoids, ulcers, organ prolapse, hernias, sores and wounds. These astringent tannins have also historically been used to alleviate "oozing" infections like conjunctivitis, pus filled wounds and ear infection. The salicylates in the plant have anti-inflammatory actions suggesting the plant's use in inflammatory conditions such as rashes, rheumatism, digestive discomfort and muscular pain. Lady's mantle has been traditionally used to mend and connect torn tissues making it specifically helpful in conditions such as torn eardrums, hernias, muscles, tooth extractions and general wounds.


P. lanceolata extract may aid in wound healing, potentially due to its properties as an:

It may also act as a pain reliever (analgesic agent), as well as exhibit immunomodulatory properties (relating to the immune system).



Research has now shown Comfrey to contain the plant chemicals allantoin and rosmarinic acid. Allantoin is able to accelerate cellular mitosis (meaning it speeds up the process of new tissue growth), while rosmarinic acid helps to relieve pain and inflammation.

Comfrey also contains bone strengthening vitamins and minerals such as vitamin C, Calcium and Magnesium.

In most instances, Comfrey compresses and ointments are used topically to facilitate the healing of bones and wounds. It is very important to make sure that wounds are completely clean before applying Comfrey – this is because the skin can regrow so fast that it can trap any debris left in the wound.

A large review of multiple studies released in 2013 about the medicinal uses of Comfrey stated: "It is clinically proven to relieve pain, inflammation and swelling of muscles and joints in the case of degenerative arthritis, acute myalgia in the back, sprains, contusions and strains after sports injuries and accidents, also in children aged 3 years and older."

In the studies, Comfrey application improved the healing and pain response of bruises, sprains, painful muscles and joints which were particularly related to exercise. In a single-blind, randomized clinical trial of 164 participants, Comfrey outperformed its pharmaceutical counterpart for its efficacy on ankle sprains and pain. This led the researchers to state their encouragement that this natural product functions as a safe and effective alternative to the standard treatment.

Comfrey’s healing properties also encompass the skin, with its wonder ingredient – allantoin – hydrating, naturally exfoliating, repairing, protecting and soothing the skin. Due to Comfrey’s high antioxidant status, topical application also helps to reduce free radical activity on the skin.

Natural allantoin as found in Comfrey can actually help to reduce abnormal thickening of the skin caused by “keratinisation” - if this is out of balance more keratin than usual is produced and the structure of the barrier function is changed. Allantoin interacts with the skin’s keratin to thin out an abnormal, thick stratum corneum, and this is the reason that allantoin is known for leaving skin feeling smooth.

Comfrey can also be used to relieve skin irritations such as rashes, sunburn and stings.



Yarrow is known as a “styptic” – an astringent herb that stops bleeding. Its wound healing ability comes mostly from the alkaloid achilleine, which facilitates the coagulation of blood, which leads to the rapid closing of the wound.. A 1954 study found that just half a milligram of achilleine per kilogram of body weight can reduce the time it takes a wound to clot by 32%.

To minimize the risk of infection, Yarrow activates the blood platelets in the affected area, which form a protective layer to keep the body protected from infection-causing bacteria. It has powerful anti-microbial properties which can be traced to the terpenes in its essential oil, effectively killing the bacteria when it is applied to the wound. The natural analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties of this herb make it ideal for use on minor cuts and burns, encouraging healing whilst relieving pain and inflammation.


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