Product Highlight: Wahiŋkpe’s Pain Salve

Product Highlight: Wahiŋkpe’s Pain Salve
When my daughter Arrow was struck by sudden and intense leg pain that soon migrated to her left arm, it marked the beginning of a transformative journey. After numerous tests, medical professionals uncovered a rare genetic nerve pain disorder triggered specifically by cold temperatures. Determined to find a holistic solution, I embarked on creating Wahiŋkpe’s Pain Salve.

Drawing inspiration from the wisdom of traditional medicine practiced by Indigenous communities for generations, I carefully selected a blend of medicinal plants known for their healing properties. This salve was not just a remedy; it was a manifestation of love and dedication to easing Arrow's discomfort without heavily relying on pharmaceutical interventions.
Crafted to provide temporary relief from a range of conditions including pain, spasms, restless leg syndrome, and specific types of nerve pain, our salve offers a gentle yet effective solution to alleviate discomfort.

- Lavender
- Plantain
- Comfrey
- Yarrow
- Calendula (marigold)
- Chamomile
- Arnica flower
- Ginger root
- Peppermint
- Magnesium oil infused in organic sunflower oil
- Ethically sourced organic beeswax

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