Pejuta Winyan Tincture

7 total reviews
Regular price $25.00
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Pejuta Winyan (pay-jhoo-tah wee-yah) means "women's medicine" in the Lakota Language.

Ingredients: Stinging Nettle Leaves, Lady's Mantle, Raspberry Leaves, Calendula, Rose Petals, Burdock Root, Plant Glycerin, Water (alcohol free)

Product comes in a 2oz glass amber dropper bottle.

Uses: Support for menstrual cramps, reproductive health, hormone & PH balance.

Dosage: adults take 1-2 dropperfuls daily. Use within 2 months of opening (not recommended for children under 18 unless given approval by a primary care doctor.)

Health Warning: Women should not take Pejuta Winyan Tincture (specifically burdock root) while pregnant, if they are trying to become pregnant, or while breastfeeding. Burdock root and calendula can cause allergic reactions and other side effects. People who should avoid burdock root and calendula include: people with a history of allergies to plants, unless a doctor suggests otherwise people taking diuretics, diabetes medication, or blood thinners. People with chronic or life-threatening health conditions should ask their doctor before using burdock root or calendula.

Storage: After opening, store in refrigerator. The tincture should be used within 2 months of opening. Tinctures have a shelf life of 1 year unopened, if properly stored. Proper storage is to keep the tincture in a cool, dry place away from sunlight (medicine cabinet, pantry, etc) and make sure the bottle is tightly sealed after opening. 


Customer Reviews

Based on 7 reviews
Love it!

This is the only thing that has worked for my daughter’s menstrual cramps.


So far so good!

Best thing I’ve done for my cycle since quitting birth control.

I have PCOS and I’m trying to balance my hormones for over a decade. I recently decided to quit birth control and see if I could get myself on a natural cycle again, despite all the issues I’ve had without birth control regulating my cycle. I’m on my second month taking Pejuta Winyan and my entire body feels amazing. My last cycle was actually easy to deal with. I didn’t have excessive cramping, my flow wasn’t full of clots, and any inflammation of the cysts on my ovaries was minimal. Honestly, I love this product. And it tastes amazing. The glycerin makes the tincture soft and easy to take. Lakota Made wins again!


Has helped a lot with peri menopause symptoms


Highly recommend. Thank you for being the phenomenal medicine healer for many. This is helping me through so much in balancing hormones with the nettle tea as well. Grateful for your skills daily.