Wonazute (Sinus) Tincture

3 total reviews
Regular price $36.00
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Ingredients: Goldenrod, Mullein, Plantain, Nettle, Yarrow, Ginger, Plant Glycerin, and Water (alcohol-free)

Product comes in a 2oz glass amber dropper bottle.

Dosage: For adults, take 2 dropperfuls daily, for children older than one year take one dropperful daily. The tincture can be taken straight from the bottle, or mixed in with juice, tea, or smoothies!

Storage: Tinctures have a shelf life of 1 year IF properly stored. Proper storage is to keep the tincture in a cool, dry place away from sunlight (medicine cabinet, pantry, etc) and make sure the bottle is tightly sealed after opening. After opening, the tincture should be refrigerated within 1 month, or unopened within 1-2 months to avoid molding. 


Customer Reviews

Based on 3 reviews
Betty Ann Rankin
Wonazute tinture

Product is wonderful. I have severe allergies and can no longer tolerate over the counter or prescription allergy medication. This tincture has been a major benefit to by health! Thank you!

Darleen V.
Switched from Zyrtec to Wonazute Tincture

I moved to the forest and wake up constantly to a blanket of yellow pollen covering my home, garden, cars...etc. I bought Zyrtec and Claritin in efforts to stop my itchy eyes, itchy throat, sneezing, headaches, and congestion. I even bought a $30 organic allergy tea and nothing seemed to help. I purchased this tincture in another effort to find a remedy and I honestly forgot that I needed to take it because all of my symptoms went away in less than 3 days. Of course the one day I didn't take it, I reaped the repercussions and was awfully congested again. I think its safe to say, it really helped my allergy symptoms. Thank you so much!

Jane kagarise

My hubby has had issues with sinus for yrs , this yr has been bad , so I got this to see if help him , it works ! He was in car accident and had to have face reconstructed , his sinuses , but this has really helped him !!!! I will be buying more for him love their other products too !